Uwe Christian Plachetka /
Bio Linuxby Ethnonics







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*(v) Globally Integrated Village Environments according to South American design principles for do-it-yourself technology with remote assistance as a part for an integrated strategy of response agriculture: This needs intercultural communication and connectability via online systems.
* <n>(v)</n> Globally Integrated Village Environments according to South American design principles for do-it-yourself technology with remote assistance as a part for an integrated strategy of response agriculture: This needs intercultural communication and connectability via online systems.


Beitrag für die Linuxtage Fachhochschule Technicum Wien

Contribution to the Linux - focus on the universitita de tecnología aplicada Technicum Vienna

(How to write Fachhochschule in English ? It's more than a college and not yet a University)

Open Source Food : A challenge to a resilient / sustainable future

Fig.1. The genetic backup centers for the future of our food

Fig.2. (derived from the London poster template): Vavilov cultures - original resilience by open source food.

Bio-Linux: a coping strategy by expanded “bionics”: Ethnonics

Open Source food is a catchphrase concerning the following facts:

  1. . Cultivated plants are in need to get refreshed by sexual procreation.
  2. . The mates for doing so are their rustic, wild and weedy genetic relatives.
  3. . Nicolaj Ivanovich Vavilov was the first to identify the areas of maximum crop biodiversity (alpha diversity) of the world’s most important staples.
  4. . Vavilov centers exist between 40°N and the tropics of Capricorn in mountainous areas only.
These “Vavilov centers” (in fact: agricultural areas of original crop evolution and –diversity) are by far more complex socio-ecologic systems keeping crop evolution running. Why they are providing “open source food?”:
  • In some Vavilov centers the Neolithic Revolution never ended – and traditional people know how to manage it (crop management systems).
  • The increase of crop diversity depends on cooperative forms of working including seed interchange and special-purpose varieties. People are not aware about genetics, they think their “superior authorities” (Gods, spirits etc.) are rewarding them.
  • These cultures are therefore like a gigantic cooperative of “Bio-Linux-developers”.-
The perils to Biolinux are therefore:

Abiotic perils:

  • (i) Homogenization of microclimatic heterogeneity in complex terrains (Mountains) by global warming.
  • (ii) “March of the Biomes”due to global warming, the Biolinux areas must be made replicable

Fig.3. Standard portray of Biomes

Biotic perils:

  • (iii) Genetic Manipulated Organisms without their own gene-pool (a GMO is safe, when 1000 varieties of the GMO are bred that can procreate themselves among each other – and these are skyrocketing costs): genetic pollution
  • (iv) Biopiracy, that means that genetic resources are “patented”.
Proposed solutions
  • (v) Globally Integrated Village Environments according to South American design principles for do-it-yourself technology with remote assistance as a part for an integrated strategy of response agriculture: This needs intercultural communication and connectability via online systems.
  • (vi) Ethnonics: How the microclimatic heterogeneity was used / improved/ mimicked by e.g. indigenous technology of terraced fields
This means in detail

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