We collected original learning needs by the Application form for our Workshop. We reviewed these learning needs and we found that they are intrinsically linked to the pattern groups that we suggested. So here is a list of learning needs grouped by pattern group:
What we would like everybody to do is to add their offerings (Resources) to help answer these questions. Please be very short and precise. (include your name or initials at the end of the paragraph you write)
In the end we came up with a proposal for Assignments
What is meant by teaching and learning in self-directing learning processes (didactics, self-concepts, relationship)? (Annette Leeb)
What is the relationship between self-directing learning process and rolling planning? (HU:LP)
Coming from the field of knowledge management/creation we can differentiate 3 forms of knowledge: 1 explicit knowldge = information, data; knowledge is a thing, can be easily stored 2 tacit knowledge, which is embodied in skills and human action = knowledge is a process and 3 self-transcending knowledge (not yet embodied, which is brought into existence through an act of action/intuition or presencing, which taps into the origin of the knowledge creation process. I assume, that these different forms of knowledge (and learning) will require different patterns of knowledge/learning (Knut Berndorfer)
My question is now: what are these patterns (problem/intentions, systemic forces, solutions), which relate to the different forms of knowledge, how groupware (eg video) can support these patterns and how we can say if learning is good and effective? (Knut Berndorfer)
I can provide....
General suggestion: In each problem it should be searched for analogy in industry/business in order to integrate the already proved knowledge elements: The rolling planning could be the analogy to the self-directing learning process. On the other hand, the 'decision making' can be seen as a frame for real using of learned knowledge. Good is a learning process, if the decision (based on it) is good... (HU:LP)
I don't really understand Annette Leeb's question, but I can join in general discussion about being a self-directed Internet- enabled non-formal learner (for nearly ten years) and about helping other people to learn. (PM)
I can bring into my background in knowledge management, especially about conversations that matter in the context of dialogue or world cafe (Knut berndorfer)
Question (keyword: good-better-best):
How can the ranking values of real learning processes be evaluated ? (HU:LP)
Each measurement logic (especially tests) should be involved. There will be surely inconsistencies, but at first it is necessary to define leveling-rules given for benchmarking. (HU:LP)
Encompassing the use of video for learning and the roles therein.
...how we can best use it to enable inclusive new learning/knowledge-sharing/knowledge-creation, how/when it seems likely to be relevant to the groups/individuals I connect with. (Pamela Mc Lean)
I want to be inspired by other people´s experience from net based learning.(Matz Lindberg)
I am interested in applicability of that kind of learning techniques to elderly people I am also interested how efficient that kind of education might be (amount of information provided, percentage of information is forgotten) in comparison to traditional techniques.(Jakub Staniewicz)
I would like to enhance my knowledge as far as the potential use of ICT and particularly the use of interactive video (Marina Kollatou)
We in Gödöllő (HU) have a lot of special experiences on the field of net-based learning for 12 years. We are looking continuously for new approaches (of knowledge management): from: simply browsing, via: file-transfer, online testing, labyrinths, to: online expert systems and their development (always focused to decision making). (HU:LP)
It would be possible to build a little simulator to interpret, what type of components of the learning environment (e.g. age, IT) what kind of impact has on the learning success. By the way: This kind of simulation is an answer to the question how we can identify good-better-best situations in learning processes... (HU:LP)
Encompassing the technologies that allow us to capture and create visual and atmospheric experience
I need to improve my skills in visual media technology and communication by internet, so that I can create links for villages, neighbourhoods and rural towns to communicate and learn from each other good practice in rural development. (Phil Turner)
Between now and 5 January I am working on a STORY BOARD for a video that will be made in February to capture good practice in facilitating workshops for village and town communities. The subject matter is a commmunity-led spatial planning activity called Village Design Statements.
The client is Planning Aid, and funding for the video techniques / operators has been secured. I can bring the STORY BOARD and the supporting information (PDF format or PowerPoint? ) that are proposed to accompany the final video clips on a website accessible to communities. (Phil Turner)
More about the present and future state of the technology, how and where it is being applied,.. (Pam Mc Lean)
With my iMac 20’’ I have been using electronic keyboard / garage band, iVideo, iPhoto etc. since the beginning of 2009.
My camera of 5 Megapixels is not suitable for my tasks and with it I can record only very short video-clips. I hope the workshop deliver me all information I need in order to plan the purchase of software applications and tech-tools for my multimedia production studio.(Giuseppe Silvi)
At the same time I really would like to listen an examples, how to make simple and understandable videos and other visual aids for society. (Laura Pakalne)
What technology is preferred? What tools/software could be used for inexperienced people? (Abdullah Pekel)
and particularly the use of interactive video and acquire the skills needed to create and use this technology in my job. (Marina Kollatou)
Giuseppe - short clips are what I have in mind for my project (above) - Franz is a Mac enthusiast - so am I - my laptop is MacBook? Pro. My camera is Panasonic TZ7 - 10 megapixels - takes good short shots (even in HD) - (Phil Turner)
Fostering acceptance and participation of target groups
I need to improve my skills in visual media technology and communication by internet, so that I can create links for villages, neighbourhoods and rural towns to communicate and learn from each other good practice in rural development. (Phil Turner)
how we can best use it to enable inclusive new learning/knowledge-sharing/knowledge-creation, how/when it seems likely to be relevant to the groups/individuals I connect with. (Pam Mc Lean)
Once again Steve has helped by linking us with other communities by using digital villages, this has wet my appetite to learn more and as always take a small devastated village and turn it into a self sufficient communitiy. (Barry Hunt)
How can new media be brought into a rural and regional context? Are there similiarities to an urban context (transfer of knowledge, methods, experience)?(Annette Leeb)
How can Video Streaming be more effective and still interesting enough for the learners? (Abdullah Pekel)
•Motivation to sustainable network communication and financial opportunities of stakeholders (Jarmila Husenicova)
•If it is possible to create draft of preferences of common needs as consider to “virtual university of the villages"(Jarmila Husenicova)
Encompassing funding and resource acquisition for Videobridging activities
First is how can we make an out of the box set-up that can be used for funding and training so people can use it straight away. (Markus Petz)
And lastly show me the money! So that we can have a functioning network of funded places to use these tools. (Markus Petz)
What kind of process organization / management will be supportive of both, those who plan to initiate the projects locally, and those who are ment to take the role of the learners? (Annette Leeb)
. I am also very interested in economic efficiency of that kind of actions. (Jakub Staniewicz)
Encompassing ongoing activities and an evolutionary path
- What is the best practice for strategic planning in the rural area searching for sustainable aims? (Lazlo Pitlik)
Where are there successful examples and how can we access them like a living library. How does this contribute to the Lisbon Strategy in a concrete way? Where is the social economy here not just the financial one? (Markus Petz)
Markus - The European Commission is now consulting on a succoessor to the Lisbon Strategy, called EU 2020 Strategy.It says: "The digital economy also offers new opportunities for distance learning as part of a lifelong approach to learning and for forms of communication that are changing the world of work, shrinking distances and making long distance work a real possibility in an increasing number of jobs. " see
(Phil Turner)
And lastly show me the money! So that we can have a functioning network of funded places to use these tools. (Markus Petz)
I can join in discussion about rural sustainability and group-learning/sharing good practice, which is inter-related with online information exchange, but I don't know how relevant it is to this workshop. PM
Expanding the process into functioning societal cycles
I need to improve my skills in visual media technology and communication by internet, so that I can create links for villages, neighbourhoods and rural towns to communicate and learn from each other good practice in rural development. (Phil Turner)
I would like to learn things that can be applied in localised settings to open these up to a much larger world. (Steve Thompson)
How combine Videobridging activities with multiple uses
How can educators/specialists effectively cooperate to expand their vision and develop video practices? (Abdullah Pekel)
I can provide....
I can join in discussion about online collaboration but as my experience is UK-Africa collaboration we don't have sufficient bandwidth to be working with video.(PM)
allowing for meaningful media that combine the visual with other forms of experience and activity
Is it reasonable and / or desirable to focus on video communication for group learning, or does video need a broader (internet) technological embedding (e.g. collaborative tools like wiki, filesharing online-tools, moodle courses, social networking tools)?(Annette Leeb)
What kind of information could be prepared in form of online expert systems? (Lazlo Pitlik)
I can share experience of tools we have used and what we found to be their advantages and disadvantages(for non-formal learning and collaboration). (PM)
How will new learning environments based on blending with traditional patterns look like and manifest spatially?
- What are the needs and possibilities of Regional development, Town and Country Planning legislation approximation in relation to immobilities ownership issues within village cadastres”(Jarmila Husenicova)
Jarmila - I am also interested in this topic area. My own work is about regional planning, spatial planning in sub regions, and working with villages. What do you mean by "immobilities"? - difficulty in access / travel - remote areas - physical disability? (Phil Turner)