Joseph Smyth /







As we begin our dialogue of exchanging thoughts and feelings about the intentional planning and development of the Global Village of the 21st Century it will be helpful to ask a series of questions of ourselves and eachother:

  • What is a Global Village (how does it differ from a "village")
    • In terms of: size
      • 1. population interms of perminate residence and visitors (short stay and long stay).
      • 2. land mass, acres or hectors, starting size and finalsize, hard edge or soft edge
    • In terms of: infrastructure
      • 1. water sources, local and imported, distribution, collection, water reclamation
      • 2. power sources, local and imported, processing, distribution, air quality controls
      • 3. food sources - local and imported, crops, domesticated animals, wildlife
      • 4. product and services - local and imported,manufactureing, assembly, distribution
      • 5. used materials collection, reclemation, reuse
      • 4. people and materials movement
      • 6. telacommunications
    • In terms of: buildings
      • 1. goverment, local and regional
      • 2a. centrial plazas, neighborhood plazas, parks, pathways, wildlife spaces
      • 2b. hospitality industry, hotels, inns, b&b, retreats
      • 3. commerical offices
      • 4. medical, emergency care, hospitals, long term care
      • 5. schools, trade schools, universities,libraries
      • 6. recroational, sports fields, parks, open spaces, wildlife spaces
      • 7. arts, visual and proforming
This list of items is by no means complete - but it does provide a glimsp of what components are needed and may be wanted for modern life.

  • What do we each mean by "Global Village"
My way of doing business has always been to build what I like, what I want for myself, and trust that others will like it as well.

I was once interviewed on PBS in Los Angeles - while the camera was running - the interviewer ask me - Joseph, why do you want to build an eco-community - I said:

"I want to build an eco-community because that's were I want to live." I want to build a community where my children can run around and be safe from cars, where the air is clean and quite and were we can get to know our neighborhoors and do it while living in a garden. I want to build an eco-community because that is where I want to live."

My view of a Global Village is very personal and over our dialogue I will share with you those personal thoughts, feelings, and images in detail. For me the place were I want to live will have a full set of infrastructures - lots of personal and social diversity, a beautify natural setting (visual boundaries) that will for ever be protected, lots of visitors from all over the world (new changing blood), a really fun place, a place full of higher learning opportunities, research, green industries, and the arts, I want it all and in a relatively small area surrounded by open space that is owned by the Globle Village Community.

I look forward to learning more about how you envision such a place.

Almost always the "city" is in fact a cluster of smaller communities.

"Urban Villages" are another subject we can address and how they will lead to the total renovation of existing cities.