To make a VideoBridge happen, you need certain components of infrastructure. It is not easy to make these working in a new place.
Use certain locations regularly for VideoBridge events reduces both stress and costs.
Target once a month or more often.
Have a stationary high-bandwidth internet connection (2-4 Mbit in both directions).
Keep the equipment and service providers at hand. "Never change a winning team".
Stress factors with new locations:
Providers that are late in providing the internet access
Lack of connection quality
Routers or firewalls that do not cooperate nicely with the streaming equipment used.
Testing happens too late, ... (let's say it should happen a week before the first event).
because problems are underestimated
because of the costs of separate early testing
One should think about the minimum requirement of a vb location
One might think about the optimum configuration
e. g. it seems desirable to have minimum costs but be flexible in the size of the event. 15 people should not feel lost in space, if you can have 70-200 people, you can create a larger local impact. A flexible room concept would be great.