Society, Culture and Behaviour | Enabling and Managing VideoBridge | Media and Technology |
PedagocicalPatterns what is learning, what is good and effective learning? Annette Leeb |
UsePatterns Covering the use of video for learning and the roles of participants.. PamelaMcLean | ProductionPatterns Covering the roles and resources in production and application of educational video Jakub Staniewics | CapturingPatterns Covering the technologies that allow us to capture and create visual experience and contexts. Helge Loider |
MotivationPatterns Encouraging acceptance and participation of target groups. Barry Hunt | SupportPatterns Covering funding and resource acquisition for Videobridging activities Laura Pakalne | ChannelPatterns Allowing for transport, dissemination and effective/affective presentation Matz Lindberg |
ContentAttractionPatterns Creating a positive feedback cycle with those who need and deliver images and information. Marina Kollatou | ManagementAndSustainabilityPatterns For ongoing activities and an evolutionary path. Phil Turner | ContentAggregationPatterns Covering continuing access to and storage of the materials created Steve Thompson |
SocialImpactPatterns Introducing the process into existing or desireable activities of society to enable improvements and synergies in all possible ways Knut Berndorfer | SocialCooperationPatterns Ways of strengthening Videobridging activities by combination with other actors or channels of communication Giuseppe Silvi | ContentEmbeddingPatterns Allowing for meaningful and rich media that combine the visual with other forms of experience and presentation Laszlo Pitlik |
SpatialPatterns New learning environments, that are based on blending with traditional patterns: What will they look like? How will they appear spatially? Tomasz Czepaitis and Jarmila Husenicova" |