These recent changes just list pages under FrontPage so they do not comprise all the changes to English Language Content in the Wiki. You can also look at MIR/RecentChanges or at the AllRecentChanges Page of Dorfwiki - we still miss a function to list AllEnglishRecentChanges.
Franz, to read "still miss" is a bit hard, because you wrote the "miss" just yesterday. There is currently no function for syndicated RecentChanges from SubWikis, but it could be developed and I see the need in the context of growing fractal wiki structures. It's too early to give an ETA. BTW this page may not be the best place to communicate about this. It's only by chance that I read it. ProWikiCenter:UserNeeds might be a better place. -- HelmutLeitner October 18, 2006 10:18 CET
So I wrote it there. I am glad ProWiki is growing into coping with complexity. Franz