Seite | MyVideoStoryTeller | MyVideoStory |
VideoBridge/MakersDiscussion | Lawfield Elementary School in Hamilton, Ontario | University students talk with school children about the maker culture |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/AboutGiving | Andrea Israeli | Videoconference between a school class and a 11 year old boy Stefan Lyons who is gathering money for building a school in Africa. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/Addiction | "Bright Eye" counseling | Addiction counseling services |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/AskInterviews | Berrien RESA | provides students with the opportunity to interview an author or a subject specialist in the topic they are reading about in a novel. The program uses excellent children's literature, journal writing and interviewing to promote reading for understanding. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/AskVideoBridge | Andrea Israeli | ASK interview (ASK stands for: Authors Specialist and Knowledge), Few schools in different locations together interview book author Virginia Frances Schwartz. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/AuthorTalks | Mona Kerby | "It all started when author Mona Kerby visited Grandview Library in 2008 to talk to our 2nd graders about her book Owney, The Mail Pouch Pooch. In 2009, Ms. Kerby visited our new class of 2nd graders via Skype. The children and their teachers cheered when Ms. Kerby "appeared" on our Smart Board. Ms. Kerby talked about Owney and the process she went through to research, write, and publish the book. Several of the children asked Ms. Kerby questions and the whole group enjoyed waving at and thanking Ms. Kerby for "visiting"." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/BlindAdventurer | Ed Gallagher | Retinal disease blinded Ed Gallagher, 57, of San Francisco, eight years ago.But now, with a boost from Skype, Gallagher is “seeing” again—and a lot more than that. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/BookGroup | JoyceMaynard? | Author offers skype book discussion if you and your friends purchase at least ten of her books. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/BookOpportunities | Michael Lieberman | "*Libraries should be looking into developing Skype-enabled reading rooms.*Prisons should set up Skype rooms so inmates can read to their children. " |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/CarbonEmissions | Janine Lim | Video Conference between two schools on impact of local governance on carbon emissions. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/ChickenDance | Lisa Parisi | While talking about literature two classes had decided to demonstrate their chicken dance performance to each other. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/ConnectingFamillies | Gautam Ghosh | Person reads a book to his children which are 9000 miles away |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/ConnectingSchools | Anne Mirtschin | Two schools one from Korea another from Australia are using video conference to learn about their different cultures. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/CraftVideo | Faythe Levine | Author and director connects with his audience. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/CultureQuest | Center for School Development,City University NY | " The CultureQuest Project, for example, encourages the study of different cultures. The project guide offers suggestions about how to interact with students in other countries using tools like Skype to organize international videoconferences with other classes and with experts in the field." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/DiscussingEuro | Inés Carradice | On April 20th1998 I organised a videoconference session |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/EatingDisorder | Dr Charles Fishman | Eating disorder therapist helps people with eating problems by using skype video calls. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/ElementaryTeacher | Brian Crosby | Brian Crosby, an elementary teacher for 26 years, teaches sixth grade in Sparks, Nevada, and has infused technology into teaching since the 1980’s. While piloting a 1:1 laptop program, students in his class utilize many Web 2.0 tools including Skype, Fiickr, blogs and wikis. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/GreenFlag | Janine Lim | Video conference discussion: "The Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys is one of the only schools in their area to receive a “green flag” status for schools in their area. We learned a lot about what they are doing for the environment in their school and community." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/HarpLessons | Mark Andersen,USA | Seattle harpist/organist Mark Andersen teaches his students harp by using skype videoconferencing |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/HarpPlayer | Christine Grace Magnussen, USA | Harp Player teches his instrument through video skype conference |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/HiphopGrowing | Andrea Israeli | "Today we had a videoconference with Kahlil Almustafa, poet and author of "Growing Up Hip Hop". I have worked with Kahlil for the past 5 years in our Poetry Slam program. He is not only a gifted poet and performer but he is an amazing teacher." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/HunterdonlSchool | Florence McGinn?,USA, teacher | Florence McGinn? teaches English at Hunterdon Central High School in Flemington, New Jersey. In McGinn?'s classroom, videoconferencing is done with Intel ProShare? software and hardware, a more sophisticated system than CU-SeeMe?. Her honors writing and literature students work with mentors from Rider University in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, via videoconference to revise and rewrite their work. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/ImmigrationStories | Cheryl Tice | "Ask your questions. Hear the stories. Join this compelling discussion of the most recent chapter of America’s story of immigration." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/IntercontinentalExorcism | Phil Wolff | Jewish priest performs ritual on a person located on another continent |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/KukuxumusuDesignBySkype | Scott Davison | Spanish designer firm is using skype video for business collaboration |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/LanguageArts | Anne Smith | teacher involves a popular science fiction writer after students have requested to include his book into their learning. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/LanguageExchange | Jeremy Robinson | "Robinson says bringing classrooms together to study each others' language restores culture education, improving the quality of instruction." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/LanguageLearning | Allison Borthwick | The aim of our course is to enable practising |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/LawSchool | Gunther Teubner | Four years ago, University of Frankfurt law professor Gunther Teubner (right) spent a year as a visiting scholar at Osgoode. In the early part of this year, he returned to the Law School, this time as a virtual visitor. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/LearnCartooning | Mike Artell | illustrator and author teaches kids how to draw cartoons |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/LearnGuitare | Phil Wolff | Musician teaches guitar with skype videoconferencing. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/LearningArabic | Sue Angell | "On a Sunday morning in November, six students studying Arabicare crowded around a television set in the Paul and Edith Cooper International Learning Center (ILC), waiting for a video conference with students in Saudi Arabia to begin." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/LearningIsMessy | Unknown fourth grade school teacher. | My fourth graders have produced a 5 minute video that tells the story of how we “Skype” a classmate that has leukemia into our classroom. To see the video click the image below. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/LearningReligion | Dr. Yossi Chajes | "iLearnTorah is an online bat/ bar mitzvah tutoring service that makes use of video-enabled Skype to conduct sessions. Students work with experienced teachers to learn Torah and Haftorah and to create personal learning projects. The program is run under the advisement of Josh Lauffer, a Jewish educator and musician, and Dr. Yossi Chajes, faculty in the Department of Jewish History at the University of Haifa." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/LiveGuest | Florida Southern Colleg | Live guest lectures on the history of olympic movement |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/MarshallSchool | Teachers at Marshall Elementary School | Teachers at Marshall Elementary School in Lewisburg, Tennessee, have used videoconferencing technology to bring into the classroom live animals and educators from the Tennessee Aquarium. Aquarium educators -- experts in the animals' characteristics, behaviors, habitats, and diets -- fielded questions from students at Marshall and from partner schools in North Carolina and Maryland. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/MisteryQuest | Jeff Gaynor, USA | "Besides being on the forefront of technology, having this live experience really did sharpen my students' motivation and performance through the whole process. I put the responsibility on them - my job was to keep the project manageable and the kids relaxed - but they really did much of the work - with more effort and resolve than they usually put forth. " |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/NasaVideoconference | Andrea Israeli | School had a videoconference with peple from NASA, topic was :" about "Planet Hopping Through Mathematics" one of the many NASA programs offered free to our schools through the NASA Digital Learning Network." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/PainManagement | Frank Titus | "Titus Motion Therapy founder Frank Titus is able to get people out of pain in remote locations using the webcam application Skype. Titus Motion Therapy is a hands free pain elimination therapy that works specifically to correct postural alignment and movement patterns, because of this the access that Skype and webcam services provide are ideally suited to the therapy." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/PanelDiscussion | Shel Holtz | Video skype used for panel discussion |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/PianoTeacher | Kathy Parsons, USA, piano teacher | Kathy Parsons uses video conferencing to teach students piano lessons |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/PlayingGames | | Group playing Dungeon and Dragons using skype video |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/PoetrySlam | Andrea Israeli | Young poets performing their poetry infront of their peers by using video conference. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/RemoteSensing | Charles Duncan | The National Learning Network for Remote Sensing uses videoconference lectures and |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/ResearchMethods | Alison Galloway | Pros and cons of videoconferencing, using older technology |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/RuralAuthor | Dawn Kairns | Author living in a rural area uses skype video to connect to a reader group far away and discuss with them about her book. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/SignLanguage | Sunlake High school, USA | Students learn sign language and use it to communicate with students who are deaf or hearing impaired. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/SkypeArtist | Barbara Muir | "Toronto portrait artist Barbara Muir is accustomed to having her subjects come to her home studio.But recently, she has been using Skype Video to speak with and sketch her friends and family in their homes. She said she finds this intimate since she's talking to people where their computers are: home offices, kitchens, bedrooms." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/SkypeBrunch | "Brad | A brunch was planned for my mother’s house on Sunday, but being 2,500 miles distant, I decided to try to attend by videoconference. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/SkypeFairytales | Howard Wolinsky | Prof. Sugata Mitra is currently working with retirees, primarily teachers, who read fairytales over Skype to poor children in a school in Hyderabad in Southern India. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/SkypeHypnosis | Michael Grady | Experimenting with hypnosis through skype |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/SkypeSketcher | Ed Marion | Ed Marion, an attorney and artist, has picked up on the idea of using Skype to paint pioneered by Toronto's Barbara Muir, the portrait artist turned Skype sketcher. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/SkypeStorytelling | Phil Wolff | "Two Waltham, Massachusetts, public schools connected classes for story time in April 2009 over Skype. Jeff Gilbride tells how a Kennedy Middle School class (older 6th grade students) wrote, then read, fairy tales inspired by a third-grade class (younger students) across town at Northeast Elementary School." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/SkypeVisits | Rob Walker | "Back in November I made an offer to college and university classes to “visit” by way of Skype or similar means." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/SkypeWedding | Matt Howard | Couple falls in love and gets married through skype video |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/SkypeinClassrom | Mary Barr, Teacher USA | Marry Barr uses skype to enhance learning in her clasroom |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/SkypingMarkTwain | Gary Anderson | Teacher engages a Mark Twain expert to discuss Twains works with his class |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/TeacherTraveling | Silvia Tolisano | Teacher traveling around the world and cnnecting her class with classes in schools worldwide |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/TeachersTalking | Lisa Parisi | Two groups of students collaborate together by using skype video and google docs, they write a original story themed on a fiction book. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/TeachingBanjo | Dennis Bailey | "I teach Banjo, Guitar and Mandolin lessons in the Dallas, Texas, area and also online via Skype." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/TeachingGenealogy | Beau Sharbrough, USA, genealogysit | Beau Sharbrough genealogy guru teaches small groups interested in genealogy how to develop their skills |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/TeachingPosture | Frank Titus, Therapist,USA | Frank Titus teaches his patients proper posture and movement through skype video calls |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/ThreepartiteVideoconference | Anne Mirtschi | Three schools from Australia, USA and Philippines partitioning in a conference call |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/UkHarpist | Sarah Deere-Jones,UK | "This is encouraging for those studying alone, it boosts enthusiasm and it’s always fun to meet other learners and on-line harpists. It’s also a useful time to discuss in person with Sarah any problems on technique or theory." |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/UnemploymentSupport | unemployed IT workers | Group of unemployed IT workers in USA seeks a group of similar people in India for communication and mutual support. Proposed medium of communication is video conference. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/UnusualEducation | Corry Doctorow | Children engage famous author of Science Fiction to explain his work, because they want his work to be included into their schoolwork |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/VeteranInterviews | Berrien RESA, USA | 7th through 12th grade students are interviewing WW2 veterans about their memories |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/VideoDiscussion | Harry Hurst Eighth Graders talk with Jefferson Parish Third Graders about their environmental activities | Harry Hurst Eighth Graders Participate in Wetlands skype Conference with Jefferson Parish Third Graders |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/VideoElderly | Jon Harris | Idea for using videos for conversation between senior citizens |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/VideoInterview | Andrea Israeli | students participating in video interview with a doctor who is a receiver of a highest civil medal in USA |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/VideoTherapy | Stephan Tobin Phd | Psychologist uses video conferencing for helping patients |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/VideoVolunteers | Video Volunteers NGO | NGO connects two group of community video producers, one in Brazil other in India using video conference and translators. groups discussed about their similar problems and solutins for an hour. Site was attacked by a spammer. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/VirtualHug | Upstream Collective | Church uses video skype to organize religious gathering |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/VirtualLecturer | Sr Rose Pacatte | Teaching Media Literacy Education via Skype |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/VirtualShow | "Hairynomas" | Two classes from different schools, (one in UK other in USA) learn about each others schools through their interests. "The rooms were filled with stuffed animals, sports cards, books, monster trucks and a tremendous amount of excitement.". |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/VirtualSupper | Anne Mirtschin | Virtual Supper with participants from Australia and USA |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/WeakestLink | Janine Lim | . Five students were interviewed about how they got to school. After their carbon footprints were revealed, the student with the highest carbon footprint was pronounced “the weakest link. Goodbye!” Their students also interviewed our students as part of a school energy use survey. |
VideoBridge/MyVideoStory/WormFarms | Janine Lim | Two school classes from different locations share their experiences and knwoledge gained with their worm farms. |