Open Hardware means sharing the design of physical or electronic objects with the public, similarly to Open Source software. The right to use, modify, redistribute, and manufacture, commercially or as a non-profit, is granted to everyone without any royalty or fee. Thus, Open Hardware designers hope to enrich society by developing a library of designs for useful objects that everyone can make, use, and improve.
"the system of Open Source isn’t so different from the real economy – at least in theory. Both involve the production of a thing, or output, they involve coordinated effort on top of systems or exchanges, and there is an implicit or explicit value to things. So there’s a translation between both systems, probably a little like the chart above."
"The primary goal is to provide an environment in which those with an interest in open source hardware can meet, share experiences and learn from each other. It is hoped that events will be shaped by the wider user group membership, and whilst meetings are initially being held London, they could be held anywhere."