Selector/Gatekeepers: content selectors who make decisions about what content will flow through the medium
Publishers/Producers: organizers of media instances who enable the creation, production, and distribution of messages.
Directors: organisers of content and content producers who guide a variety of people in other roles through the process of producing messages and performances
Performers: senders of messages who perform or recreate messages that have been created by others.
Transcriber/Recorders: recorders of messages who, through the action of transcription/recording, enable messages to be preserved over time, distributed multiple times, and/or transmitted across space.
Content Editors: content intermediaries who seek to "improve" messages within, in general, the scope of an editorial guideline.
Advertisers: supporters of message production whose "return" on investment is the addition of promotional content that accompanies the message or performance.
Content Integrators: content intermediaries who organize a variety of messages into an integrated "performance".
Reproducers: Content intermediaties who reproduce messages that have been created by others.
Distributor/Carriers: Content intermediaties who transport, transmit, and/or deliver messages that have been created by others.
Retailers: Content or service intermedaries who provide access to either message content or the medium in exchange for a fee.
Representative/Advocates: Intermediaries who act on behalf of other participants (agents, lawyers, etc).
Regulators: Content or service intermediaries who attempt to regulate the content within a medium.
Critics: Creators of messages (often within a different medium) who critique content within a medium.
Investors: Individuals or organization that finance the creation, performance, packaging, distribution of messages or the operation of a medium, generally with an expectation of a direct financial return on the investment.
Financial Management: Individuals who track and/or manage financial and other resources associated within a media instance or production.
Production Support: Others who act in support of a media instance or production. Other generic roles may be hidden within this general category.