poverty - stricken village, most males have to migrate for work and send whatever little proportions of their income they can save. This money is not sufficient to take them out of the poverty trap. They are therefore depending on the government for help. National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme which guarantees a hundred days of employment to one male per family.
Small industrial area was zoned and planned in 1992, some buildings erected by private entrepreneurs, today mostly disfunctional.
Better communication with surroundings by imrovement of important road. Potential local markets around in 100 km diameter.
Large scale unemployment in the villages around provides large pool of potential manpower, initially for labor - intensive industry, and progressively for more skill - oriented manufacturing.
People are realizing that their poverty is not something that has to be taken for granted permanently, and are now receprive to any efforts of development. That this can be a source of income far in excess of what government can provide is now being well - understood. They are keen that their next generation gets education. They are also beginning to look, albeit slowly, beyond narrow issues like cast, religious orientation and the gender divide.
There is openness for the introduction of a radical initiative.
What needs to be done from our point of view? see: Proposal
click on SAT and you will see the industrial area just North of the village and East of the Road.
This industrial area is now the focus of efforts to create a replicable model of decentralised industrial development that is sustainable and relevant.