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FranzNahrada: Diesen Ausdruck habe ich von Giuseppe Silvi, den ich 1996 auf der Habitat Konferenz in Istanbul traf. - This expression was given to me by GiuseppeSilvi whom I met at the Habitat 1996 in Istanbul and who now participated in our GrundtvigWorkshop.
Hier ist eine Erklärung in Italienisch. und hier die Website in Englisch http://www.piazzetelematiche.it/1994-2005/pt_faq_eng.html
Giuseppe ist jetzt in England und hat mir vor ein paar Tagen folgendes geschrieben Dear Franz, thanks to the web we are again ready to improve the mission of http://www.give.at and of http://www.piazzetelematiche.it. I was actually happy this morning in virtually meeting you by chance during one of my web researches, at the link http://www.globalvillages.info/wiki.cgi?FranzNahrada . To remind you who I am, please just have a quick look at the link (content / image …..around 1999 (?)): http://www.developmentgateway.org/egovernment/um/showGeneralMemberProfile.do?userId=234230 http://www.piazzetelematiche.it/1994-2005/Istanbul.pdf
Many things are changed from 1999, at personal level and in the global scenario. At personal level: In November 2003 I moved from Rome to London where my wife has been working since 2002. In London I decided to change completely my life style and not to have a computer at home and a car, but to experiment how to access all ICT tools and services from public spaces as is the case in colleges, libraries or internet points…..for lifelong learning and volunteering for charities involved in urban regeneration and in building up community networks. My experiment has been so far very rewarding, and at present: I continue to share with others wonderful and updated telematic infrastructures at fees based on “pay as you go” I continue to save a lot of money and to spend all my time in studying and keeping me updated, rather than in updating my personal software and hardware or, worst, in fighting against viruses and spamming I continue to walk every day from 8 to 16 Km in my break times from online activities and for reaching different places where I follow lectures or lifelong learning courses for adult education at:
All my possessions for staying tuned with the global village are: 2 (two) free email addresses (giuseppesilviATyahoo.com and giuseppe.silviATgooglemail.com ) . 6 (six) sticks or USB keys or pen drives (3 at home for my safety back-up and three with me in my mobile work / study). 1 (one) old mobile nokia phone from 1999 (the battery is the original one always functioning and used only for SMS). 1 little Hitachi radio for listening to music, bbc news , etc…very useful for improving my English understanding. 1 (one) rucksack or back bag for carrying my possessions and my wallet. It is very difficult indeed for me to describe to you my joy for not having a personal computer / laptop or a flat ADSL at home (and the relating costs and the bimonthly bills) and at the same time to be able to be tuned at a minimum cost with the global village, but last and most important aspect, to be able to share anywhere, anytime and when I need some telematic infrastructures always updated to the upfont of the technology, both for the hardware, both for the software. By now, that is my present glocal life in central London! This message will be in seconds sent to you by me from the City lit, a centre for adult learning: http://www.citylit.ac.uk/about/Our_facilities/Building_gallery Stay in touch. All the best. Giuseppe Silvi
'Web For The Future' http://www.webforthefuture.net http://www.webforthefuture.net/home_eng.html http://www.webforthefuture.net/gestione/immagini/pdf/PiazzeTelematiche.pdf Free Software and Open Source Technology movement http://www.unesco.org/cgi-bin/webworld/portal_freesoftware/cgi/page.cgi?d=1
Giuseppe ist jetzt in Paris. Er hat mir neue, spannende Links geschickt! (Giuseppe is now in Paris. he sent me interesting new links)
Scuole del futuro Introducing Building Schools for the Future: http://www.bsf.gov.uk Welcome to the official website of Building Schools for the Future (BSF). BSF is the biggest single government investment in improving school buildings for over 50 years. The aim is to rebuild or renew every secondary school in England over a 10-15 year period. http://www.microsoft.com/education/schoolofthefuture http://www.didasca.it/AssoDida/AssoDida.htm Piano nazionale "Porte aperte" http://www.pubblica.istruzione.it/normativa/2007/prot4026_07.shtml Spazio pubblico http://stage.spaziopubblico.it COMITATO SPAZIO PUBBLICO DI SCAMPIA http://comitatospaziopubblico.blogspot.com/2007/08/comitato-spazio-pubblico-di-scampia.html
SOFTWARE FREEDOM DAY anche a Schio ! http://www.piazzatech.it
Building Community, Creating Places, Using Common Sense Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public places that build communities. http://www.pps.org http://www.pps.org/civic_centers http://www.pps.org/imagedb/category?gallery_id=986&page=2 SHARING RESOURCES' SERVICES bikes, cars, internet workstations, etc......
1. Vélib, depuis le 15 juillet 2007 déjà plus de 2 millions d’utilisateurs de vélib’ La Mairie de Paris et JCDecaux SA, annoncent que Vélib' a dépassé les 2 millions de locations en 39 jours, avec 53 000 abonnements longue durée (abonnement annuel). http://www.velib.paris.fr http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=velib http://www.velov.grandlyon.com C'est la première ligne de tramway entièrement recouverte de pelouse" Pourquoi le tramway ferait-il mieux que le bus ? Quelles sont les attentes de la mairie en termes de circulation ? Les réponses de Ghislaine Geffroy, chef du projet tramway à la mairie de Paris. http://www.linternaute.com/savoir/grands-chantiers/06/dossier/tramway-paris/interview-ghislaine-geffroy.shtml
2. Premier reseaux de internet cafes in france http://www.milklub.com/v3/webcafes/opera/opera.html 3. zipcar (vedere anche allegato) http://www.zipcar.com/sf/is-it/savings-calculator http://www.zipcar.com/sf/is-it/savings-calculator-2 For someone like me who needs a car only twice a month and for about four hours each time, I’d only pay $66/month or $798/year. Compared to average driving costs, I’d save $9,270 by avoiding unnecessary car ownership. 4. Street car , The self-service pay-as-you-go car. Streetcar's new Volkswagen Golfs are available on demand 24/7 for rent by the hour, day, week or month. Book any car in the fleet online or by phone, and then use your Streetcar smartcard to pick up and return the car. It costs as little as £4.95 per hour or £35 per 24 hours. http://www.mystreetcar.co.uk 5. Piazze telematiche, (1993 - 2007) ULTIMO AGGIORNAMENTO: 10 gennaio 2007 http://www.piazzetelematiche.it/1994-2005/avviso.htm http://www.piazzetelematiche.it/1994-2005/proposte.html
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