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ein unstrukturiertes Notizbuch
in den unsere Freunde von der One Village Foundation involviert sind. The Dharamsala Community Wireless Mesh Network interconnects more than 2,000 computers located within a 60 Km. radius around Dharamsala, India, using 30 locally developed routers based on modified low-cost consumer hardware and locally-brewed software. The network offers a wide variety of services to its users including broadband Internet access, VoIP-based telephone services, file sharing, offsite backup, etc. The network's capabilities and its exceptional affordability demonstrate a well-tested and replicable model for other rural communities in the developing world. The project has received national and international recognition for its achievements.
In der Zeitung "The Hindu" fand ein Freund diesen Artikel über den Erfolg der Österreichischen NGO Intersol
Genausoviele Dörfer gibt es in Indien ... ihre Vielfalt sichtbar zu machen bezweckte dieses Portal
Eine sehr umfanmgreiche und lebendige Site für Soziale Ökonomie, interessanter Eintrag hier: The people of KOYA WES LEE (Jan Jati Prakash/ Enlighten Tribal) want to start a move to establish Social Universities to empower Social Economy and Social Democracy. They are thinking to send their representatives to request for Contributions to the common people of India and other sensitive societies of the world. Representatives will try to reach all sincere persons to get their active supports.
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