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Franz, based on dicussions about the dissertation of my son Thomas (the one you know) about minority issues, migration and integration (done at the EURAC in Bozen, Italy) I got a new view on the Global Village situation. I feel that in Kirchbach / KB5 and other village projects, that there is a gap to close between the insiders and the newcomers, sometimes in terms of becoming a accepted part of the local community, sometimes in terms of different cultures and diversity of culture, sometimes even in terms of the architecture used. In many strains of philosophy this is also a strong isssue, of the "I" versus the "other", or the "Us" versus the "foreign". I think that it would be helpful to talk about this is some of the principles (or in a new principle) to increase the perception/awareness of this problem. -- HelmutLeitner 13. September 2011 14:18 CET P.S. das kann ich besser deutsch sagen: Damit hängt auch das Verhältnis zwischen dem Be-Mächtigen und dem Er-Mächtigen zusammen. Letzlich ist der soziologische Standpunkt, der "sagen wo es lang geht" ein Standpunkt der Bemächtigung, der aber nur funktionell sein kann, wenn er mit einer Ermächtigung zumindest äquilibriert ist, besser hinter ihn zurücktritt. Well there are surely several itemsthat are missing. One is that the mitigation of this conflict. Could be an extension to the first principle....FranzNahrada 14. September 2011 12:31 CET
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