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Basisinspiration (Name):
Basisinspirationen: Name (Nachtigall in Tolkiens Elbensprache)
Inspirationen: Name ist ein Kunstwort
Eine Variante davon (nicht wirklich): das schwimmende Dorf:
Naja, was ähnliches hatten wir ja auch als Lilypad von Vincent Callebaut:
Das Mandala Village Project ist eine Konzept - Gemeinde, die eine Synthese von Spiritualität und Technologie zum Ziel hat. Individual housing units will be assembled into "Clusters" of eight cells. These eight cells, when assembled form a ninth cell (actually the center of the eight units). This ninth cell is actually the meeting point of the eight units and forms a common space. This space will be covered by a large dome of a new and clear material, called "Miraplex", which can be opened during the summer and closed for heat retention in the winter. For more information please visit the Mandala Village web site at The basic important principle is that architecture is music. Whether an off key doghouse or a full blown Chartres Cathedral messianic requiem the medium is the same. Architectural music differs only in that it is heard with our eyes and sensed with our body. There are certain rules that musicians follow to allow them to compose harmonious pieces of music such as octaves and harmonic fifths. In fact if someone was familiar with these rules they could compose music without the ability to hear as was proven with Beethoven. These same rules of harmony and geometric ratio governed ancient architecture. By using harmonic ratios and balanced proportions we compose what is known as frozen music in form.
Femdom-affiner Ökodorftraum. "Und wenn ein Hirte sein Lamm liebt, soll er es lieben, wenn er es liebt. Denn ich will dass es das alles gibt, was es gibt" (André Heller)
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