Franz Nahrada /







Prueitt - Debatte

Zunächst: Der Prueitt ist anscheinend so auf der Gregory-Bateson-Schiene aber der Post-Maturana/Varela - Ära:


Das heisst, Höhere Sphären.

Sein Proposal

Proposal development

It is proposed that certain scientific and technical work be integrated. This integration could lead to the design and delivery of dedicated emergency response systems. A proposal is needed. This proposal will communicate our desire to perform the following steps:

  1. ) convening of a scientific board
  2. ) Completion of a communications infrastructure standard
  3. ) simulation of a large scale grid
  4. ) production of a generic emergency response system
  5. ) production of peer-to-peer service oriented systems
  6. ) management of a world wide subnet infrastructure
We may propose a practical project that is justified politically and economically. Given federal funding, certain technical breakthroughs are to be made available within a publicly funded subnet of the Internet. Several foundational inquiries are to be advanced and realized as a clearer expression of scholarship on the nature of information and of human communication.

Kommentar Prof. Wolfgang Kromp: Als Wissenschafter sollte man dagegen sein, dass die Welt so kompliziert wird, dass man ein Computerprogramm schreiben muss, um eine Klotüre zu öffnen.
(jetzt eben, er sitzt neben mir)

Sein Angriffspunkt

How human communication can be facilitated in times of crisis?

Specific responses to this inquiry are proposed based on principled science. A principled argument is made that existing lines of IT development are far from optimal and over burdened with proprietary influences. A “second school” of thought about computing and communication is outlined. It is proposed that technology consistent with this viewpoint be funded by the federal government and provided as non-proprietary infrastructure. This infrastructure provides an alternative Internet.

We suggest that emergency response is a natural first application of an infrastructure standard consistent with the second school viewpoint. The capabilities of this infrastructure take into account the importance of the individual in generating and receiving communication. As such the second school defines a transformation of how digital media is used.

Political justification for federal investment

A political justification for a large investment by the federal government comes from an examination of the roles of instrumentation and transparence. As a general rule, transparency on any complex or complicated system requires excellent instrumentation. For example, hybrid cars provide driving speeds and measures of fuel consumption and thus better instrumentation.

The current Internet is not instrumented for transparency, and few suggest that the current Internet could be so instrumented.

Was versteht der Autor hier unter "Transparenz"? Für wen transparent, wer hat Schwierigkeiten mit dem Internet???

  • Hypothese: Muslim-Newsgroups, die zu Morden aufrufen und keiner weiss, wer dahinter steckte. ABER: Fall Red Científica Peruana zur Zeit Fujimoris und Fall Chiapas (Subcommandante Marcos) zeigen sehr deutlich die andere Seite der Medaillie, nämlich das Internet als Rückzug der Zivilgesellschaft in den Cyberspace angesichts diktatorischer Umstände/Gelüste usw.
However, new Internet subnets can arise using the same physical infrastructure. A subnet of the Internet may emerge where e-commerce, public health, education and entertainment rely on the security that comes from built-in transparency.

The desirability of transparency is balanced with the need for privacy and for proprietary interests. A great deal of controversy surrounds natural rights to own property and to preserve privacy. The second school takes the position that digital property can be protected better today by using generative objects with internal instrumentation. This protection of property also allows a different level of control, but this new level of control may come into conflict with natural rights associated with privacy.

Was ist das für ein Schwachsinnsargument mit privacy? Erinnert an Michael Moore's Satire über den Streik der Streikbrecher. Wer sein Privatleben schützen will, solls nicht online stellen.

Das Thema der property-rights im Internet haben wir schon lange durchgekaut. Hier jedoch ist anscheinend der drohende Geheimdienst gemeint, der illegale downloads verfolgt

Gehe offline, bye Uwe