Malechowo Meeting |
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Wiepke van Aaken: I'm very curious to hear from you about ideas and results of the Workshop. Unfortunately I could't be there. Please tell me about your experiences! Franz: The Malechowo Meeting is almost over. We really had good results and issue our greetings from the Baltic Sea to everyone. There was an intensive discussion online betweeen Waclaw and Franz, which is documented here. Soon there will be lots of documentation material here or on our homepage
KarinEngelhardt D (Coburg) FranzNahrada A (GIVE) FranzSteinwender A (GIVE/KB5) MonikaErb A (BHW) DorisKiesling A (BHW) and Markus Kiesling BernhardHaas A (Dorf- und Stadterneuerung) WaclawIdziak Pl (Malechowo) PiotrChylarecki Pl (The Malechowo Secondary School) DariuszBartos Pl (The Malechowo Secondary School) AlicjaRogala? Pl (The Malechowo Secondary School) MiroslawaTurczyn? Pl (The Village Renewal Fundation) MieczyslawaJuszczyk? Pl (The Hobbiton Association) ElzbietaZylinska? Pl (Together into the Future Association) MariaDabek? Pl (The Bridge Village) PiotrIdziak? Pl (The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, The Ethnology Institute) AgataMichalak? Pl (Warsaw University, The Cultural Studies Institute) ThomasDiener CH DavidWortley UK (Mass Mitec) AlgisCibulskas (Lt) RimanteGaliniene (Lt) HeinerBenking? (De)
Stanko? Jens Mofina? I will try to bring more people from Lithuania, but first I need to get back home. I will probably spend the week of the 13th through 20th in Varena and will know more then. I would very much like to have George Christian Jeyaraj come. He is part of our team in Lithuania, but has a Sri Lankan passport. Is it possible to write him an invitation? Or may he get one through a travel agency? Andrius
Wiepke van Aaken AlexanderRomahn? (De) JuttaCroll?, StiftungDigitaleChancen?
- 17:00 Meeting in "Österreichisches Restaurant" Alexanderplatz (near City&Bits / Environmental Ministery) - 18:00 departure from Berlin - pick up at 18:00 from City&bits with Polish Minibuses, Alexanderplatz 5 - arrival Koszalin 22:00 short welcome meeting
- Excursion (morning)- visit in most interesting examples of village renewal, meeting with local leaders - Internal Workshop (afternoon) workshop on RIC, RINC and RMC - review of year 1 of ERDE - last questions about final report, accounting, documentation, materials (MonikaErb) - filling of questionaire (BernhardHaas) - preview of year 2 of ERDE (2004-2005) - action plan and timing - workshops, times, organisation, communication, especially VirtualClassroom: how do we use it, when, for what - ERDE Website and collaboration tools (WIKI, BLOG) discussion and decision RIC,RINC,RMC - Presentations - Franz, Waclaw, David - Discussions - Program for wednesday, 29th - worksgroups
- public conference, all participants + multipliers + local authorities
“The Village in the Knowledge-Based Economy” 8:30 - 9:30: The Reception 9:30 - 9:45: The Official Opening 9:45 - 13:30: The Plenary Session The issues to be raised at the Plenary Session: - The knowledge-based economy
A 15 minute break is planned around 11:15. Each participant has approximately 10 minutes for his/her presentation + 10 minutes for the discussion, as we need the spare time for translation. These are our suggestions of subjects and problems, as well as of the speakers. Please relate! 13:30 - 15:00: Lunch break 15:00 - 17:00: The Group Workshops Session Main subjects for group work:
17:30 - 19: Summary, conclusions Please sign up for workshop groups from now on-> MalechowoWorkshopSignUpPage
- Internal Workshop on Grundtvig 1 proposal - alternative: for those who do NOT want to participate in {RIC RINC RMC}?, start a workgroup about national dissemination of ERDE results - we must end up with an action program!
(morning) 9:00 departure of participants.
Our accommodation proposal is a student residence with double and single bedrooms, one bathroom per two rooms and a cooking facility in each room. The single rooms cost 10 euros, the doubles - 7 euros a night. Breakfast is not included in the price, but there is a cafeteria in the place where we’ll be holding the workshops that offers breakfasts and lunches. Please note: you will be accommodated in Koszalin, not in Malechowo, as originally planned, which facilitates the transportation to and from the workshops, most of which will take place in Koszalin as well. Should you wish to stay at a hotel, we could book a room for you. Hotel rooms cost about 40 euros a night. But we strongly feel the student residence would satisfy your needs just as well. - Agata Michalak Thank you. I made an MalechowoAccomodationBookingPage.. FranzN
Link to the pictures: Grundtvig/fotos04-10_Polen
Protocol by Monika Erb
We should plan 3 workshops until July 2005
David suggests to have a workshop in Middle England. There are contacts with a University in Teeside which has a very good “community informatics” department. There is a good connection with cheap flights (Ryanair). There is even a harbour for those coming by boat. The suggested date is in the middle of January. David will communicate the exact date until 20 October.
Our Slovenian partners have`t any Grundtvig fund but they nevertheless promised to host a workshop. The suggested date is April. Franz will communicate with Stanko Blatnik about this and hopes to come up with a definite date by 1 December.
The workshop is scheduled for July. Rimante and Andrius will be responsible for it.
Purpose of the website
Three Pillars Model Content - Tools - Structure A content:
Statements Markus
Ideas for an image brochure of RIC (imaginary marketing - including existing building blocs) Aims Benefits we provide
2. Results of the RIC working group with Polish multipliers of 28 Sept. 2004 in Kozalin: Basic questions for the Polish multipliers What are your personal needs? The needs of your organisation? What are your questions? Answers -information needed on how to get money for the projects -information needed on support for building up the infrastucture -thematic networking needed (special topics are worked on) -How large ist he area to work in? -Who shoud train the RICs? – difficult question -Where should the trainers come from? -Traines should work like streeworkers – trainers from abroad train people in the country Visions - In two regions of Poland 15 RICs will be trained, they could be educated in Kozalin. These teachers need only 20% of the first column, nothing from the second column and 60% of the third column. Other regions have other target-groups and therefore do other work. The results of this work are put together and a common result is created. Each one does the work who needs. - Poland has a network of information offices and information points which all cooperate with the AMS. People are not supported in their self studies, they are only provided with information.
- The Polish multipliers need more information on institutions and partners in other countries. - Polish partners have to ask their organisations if they may cooperate. - Also in Poland the networks are highly important for cooperation, not least in local administration.
3. Results of the RIC working group about Grundtvig 1, Mielno 3.1 Pre-proposal for Grundtvig 1 To do list
Germany Assosiation for digital opportunities - Bremen, Berlin - Jutta Groll the city of Coburg - Karin Engelhardt Hungary University of Sopron and the telehouses UK BCTA - Telecenters, ..... Rualnet - Development of technology University of Teeside - NIACE - Adult Education Learningcenters Community Development Fundation Austria Bildungs- und Heimatwerk NÖ and Lower Austria to the Internet Poland MIK Dom Tanca - RIC Rural Development Foundation - Fundacja Rozwoju WS Malecovo Gimnazjum Lithuania Varena Institute
What kinds of projects Grundtvig is looking for - adult education - training packages - social and economic development - activation of disadvantaged groups - intercultural connections - using the other countries’ experiences
3. Needs Target groups
a. we - people working with rural developmentNeeds - facing information society & knowledge based society - access to onformation - rural population - courage to act - information - innovation
presantation in the media
village regeneration • built infrastructure • social relations • soul, emotions and expression, mind, ability to self organize AS A SOCIAL ENTERPRISE 4. Realisation - choosing promising people who are already staff and have some field experience- supporting network – coaching coaches - build a personal portfolio = a way to evaluate performance and experience = quality of qualification – info, inno, media = extension of qualification – thematic and geographicalLEARNING BY DOING + SUPERVISION
Working groups 1. Curriculum Learning by doing Tools - Computers - Office - ECDL standard - Basic knowledge of law Structures - moderation skill - interpersonal skill - involvement of citizens
2. Evaluation - How many materials/brochures were produced? - How many networks were created? - How many politicians are supporting our projects? - How many people/organisations know the coach? - How many kids are dreaming of being a coach? - How many adults want to be a coach? - How much alcohol was consumed by the inhabitants before and after the realization of the project? - How large is area of influence? How wide is it? - How many sources support the work? - How do the media react? - What facilities were used? - Continuation – How many new projects were born? - What is the actual number of coaches after the end of the project?
Evaluation tools • Questionaire • Website • Participative action research • Media feedback • Documentation (fotos, movies, working paper) • Participants list • Statistic data • Interview with supervisor and local authorities
Report, Monika Erb, 11 October 2004
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