I will be in Vienna for all of February. I'm staying with Franz Nahrada
at his Hotel Karolinenhof http://www.karolinenhof.at.
My plan is to illustrate a culture of independent thinkers. (The basic
principles are here: http://www.worknets.org/wiki.cgi?Charter ) I lead
Minciu Sodas http://www.ms.lt an open laboratory for serving and
organizing independent thinkers.
I want to illustrate:
people's deepest values in life (as stars in the sky)
their dreams-in-life (as trees in an orchard)
the questions they wish to answer (as angels going up and down ladders to heaven, like Jakob's ladder)
the parts of our culture they take moral authority for (perhaps wrestlers for the angels).
Here are questions in German that I will ask:
Welcher wert bestimmt Dein Leben? (Dein Leitstern!)
Was ist der Traum Deines Lebens?
Welche Frage möchtest Du beantworten können?
Was möchtest Du wirklich, wirklich tun?
Worin siehst Du Dich als moralische Autorität?
October 2006
Hi Andrius, its good we can leave messages here ....AvrilBaileyMIR Project 16.10.2006
Nov, 2006 "I am currently on the road in Nablus,
Palestinian territories,
and so am very much a "traveling self-learner"
at this time. And at the same time, a
Johnny Appleseed for independent thinkers,
who is collecting independent thinkers
and sharing them just as he collected
apple seeds and shared them."