I am Thomas Chepaitis from Vilnius, Lithuania, translator and essayist, also a Minister of foreign affairs of Uzhupis republic - an unique artistic country in the city. Besides I am a photographer, painter and have worked with disabled people.. I ave 2 children - a boy and a girl... I am dedicated to culture history and many other things *my role in this workshop is learning to use technologies of distant learning etc. to later acquire them in Lithuania. I can contribute with creative writing workshop and theory of translation.I will know my role better while participating:) it's my hobby to play a role on the spot:)
I have spent most of my life in the leisure industry. In the year 2000 my community was flooded twice this devastated my community. I was asked to stand for my local council and help to get the community back on its feet. To afford us some flood protection we campaigned for river status for our little beck and Digital Media played a large part in the process. All was not doom and gloom and at around the time of the floods we took part in the worlds first online pub quiz beating the UK Prime Minister of the time, Tony Blair.
I have for the last 9 years been involved with many projects some involving millions some very small but all important to the community. Things like the Jetty project, the boat project and the creation of one mosaic in the village and the rescue of another. The Digital media aspect of these projects was developed with help from Steve Thompson of Teesside University and through Steve I have learned to bring a new dimension in helping my community. I have become a Community Researcher for the Digital Villages, Research Network.
What I think I can bring to your workshops is a raw passion to help young and old in communities local and now international.
State School Advisor for English teachers in the Ministry of Education and Life-long Learning; I expect to broaden my knowledge on broadband interactive video and its potential use as a tool in teachers' training.
Besides, I am exploring the possibility of creating a network of teachers in my area who will conduct under my supervision a research on the effectiveness of this type of training. Finally, I hope I 'll learn how this technology can contribute to the transformation of a school in a village into the living heart of the local community. * I suppose I can contribute with ideas on how our work can be implemented in the field of education.
As an organisational consultant (Gestalt) and coach I mainly work with researchers and students, dreaming of an open inter- and transdisciplinary university. I'm looking forward to share my experience with blended learning courses and e-coaching as well as with face-to-face cooperation. * website: http://www.annette-leeb.de
I am co-founder of Dadamac www.dadamac.net which could not exist without the Internet. I have been an online non-formal learner for ten years, exploring ICT, education and development (working in UK, online and in rural Nigeria).
What is my role and what will I contribute? My role is to learn on behalf of everyone connected with Dadamac. I hope that our experiences of cross-cultural collaboration and online communication will enable me to contribute usefully to the workshop.* http://learnbydoinguk.blogspot.com/
* Senior officer in the Public Relations Department in the Ministry of Justice, my dedication - communication, sport and travelling.
* I am able to inform other specialists about communication in the state institutions and universities. I could explain those communication tools, which we have used in Latvia. As it is crisis in Latvia I could tell more about crisis communication.
* An English Instructor at Cankiri University and a student in Distance Education Masters Program at Anadolu University in Eskisehir I aim to blend the two together to bring language learning in people`s everyday life. *I am looking forward to experimenting with videostreaming and discuss the opportunities it brings to the disadvantaged people and also educators in a multicultural environment thanks to the G.I.V.E. training.
*Working as an assistant in Kumppanuus projekti ; its a supporting project for associations and unemployed to work gateway.
*I also work as an English teacher.
* I have curated a recent exhibition called Truth which included video bridging, email boxes, video installations and performance art. There were sound and visual aspects as the curator i was responsible for overall control and co-ordination.
* I worked for 1 and half years in second line IT support in an academic library.
* I worked for 1 and half years as an audio visual technician in the UK’s largest hospital trust.
* I can contribute to structuring, systems analyses, project management and creation of pattern languages. I am good with scientific ways of looking at the world and organizing words and language. With a science degree and an arts administrative work experience I bridge different worlds.
*Senior manager and business development adviser in start-ups and innovative development. Recently I availed of the opportunity to volunteer for Nonprofits with a wish to contribute to some projects able to have an impact for improving harmony between nature, humanity and technology, with a special dedication to on online broadband adult learning projects. I have been living in Rome since March 2009.
*I want to share my experiences as a part-time adult student in London (Nov 03 - Jun 07), Paris (Jul 07 - Feb 09), Rome (Mar 09 - present) and others workshops, webinars and conferences (Wikiplaza, Performing Arts Production workshop, Venicebarcamp2009, etc..). My focus during the workshop will be on video making, streaming, monitors multiscreen and broadband.
* In my work at the Cities on Internet Association I closely cooperate with local and regional authorities in order to accelerate the e-learning, e-government and e-health implementation in Poland. I strongly believe that new technologies can give my region a chance to reduce the economical gap between Polish regions and regions of old member states.
* My education (Graduate of Telecommunications studies of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and Finances studies of the Cracow University of Economics) might gave me the opportunity to merge technical and economic perspectives. I have organised and conducted several courses related to e-government, e-learning and e-participation. I a have quite interesting experience in building and using web 2.0 portals and e-learning portals like “moodle”.
* Phil is a former president of ECOVAST, European Council of Villages and Small Towns *SKYPE name is philipaturner * a retired architect, now a planning consultant specialising in rural policy and a volunteer community planner, Isle of Wight and Hampshire, Planning Aid South, UK * Planning Aid is to produce a video of the techniques that Phil uses in facilitating workshops with village groups that are producing guidance on design of buildings and landscape. This video is to be available on the internet later in 2010, to train other volunteer facilitators, and to give confidence to vaillage participants. For background see http://ecovastdiscussion.ning.com/forum/topics/character-assessment-of
* Teacher of Swedish and English at the department for Labour Market and adult education in Pitea * Interested in technologies based on OpenSource and Linux, but also in the relation between adult education and local development. Was coordinator of a learning partnership formed in Sintra 2005
* I am project manager and work in school for students with special needs and learning troubles, who have poor social background. * I live in a small town and arrange international projects and training mobility’s for our students, write articles about our school activities to newspapers and cover our schools web site (in Lithuanian). * I can capture video with home video cam and with web cam, can edit video with Movie Maker. All it is not professional skills. Capturing patterns are most interesting to me.
*I am Associated Professor at the Department of Architecture / Faculty of Civil Engineering / Slovak University of Technology Bratislava (STU)
* Since 1977 I am working in regional territorial development as architect - town & country planner environmentalist.
* My motivation is to bring to the workshop territorial dimension, public governance responsibility for sustainable not only village but all cadastre development balanced design in relation with immobilities ownership (lots and buildings). http://www.obnovavidieka.sk
* Professor at Information Science department at agricultural university in Gödölö
* My favorite keyword is similarity analysis or CBR (case-based reasoning).
Each (for me) important news, articles, studies can be read in http://miau.gau.hu/myx-free (MY-X) and in http://miau.gau.hu (MIAU).
More about myself: http://tatacenter.szie.hu/?q=node/36
* I am trained as a physicist and spent some time in a large company working in the field of solar energy and renewable energies. I lived for about 18 months in Auroville, South India and also in a rural community in South France. My main interest is in personal unfoldment using Dialogue and for community building and collaboration. I am member at the Centre for Knowledge Management at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz. I am also running the GIVE Branch in Linz
* I can bring to the workshop my interest in using video bridge technology for learning in communities. I can contribute my experience and knowledge about conversations that matter - in specific about dialogue & world cafe - which I hope can help during the workshop to discover "shared meaning", to access "collective intelligence" and to "bring forth the future". I hope to find out if video bridge technology can be used in case of locally distributed groupmembers.
* I am film director, sreenplay writer and specialised on interactive media. I have produced a lot of commercial video and industrial films, training movies and documentary films. I live in a remote area of Austria, the Waldviertel, and I am interested to start a place focused on serving the whole region with Video Bridges.
* I can bring to the workshop everything that has to do with professional video making, shooting, lightning, preproduction (organisation, script and other preparation), production and postproduction (logging, cutting/editing, colour correction, transcoding etc.)
* I hope the workshop will help me getting an idea of a sustainable and viable model of running a Place of Access and Learning. http://www.loider.at