Beitrag für die Linuxtage Fachhochschule Technicum Wien
Contribution to the Linux - focus on the universitita de tecnología aplicada Technicum Vienna
(How to write Fachhochschule in English ? It's more than a college and not yet a University)
Open Source Food : A challenge to a resilient / sustainable future
Fig.1. The genetic backup centers for the future of our food
Fig.2. (derived from the London poster template): Vavilov cultures - original resilience by open source food.
Bio-Linux: a coping strategy by expanded “bionics”: Ethnonics
Open Source food is a catchphrase concerning the following facts:
. Cultivated plants are in need to get refreshed by sexual procreation.
. The mates for doing so are their rustic, wild and weedy genetic relatives.
. Nicolaj Ivanovich Vavilov was the first to identify the areas of maximum crop biodiversity (alpha diversity) of the world’s most important staples.
. Vavilov centers exist between 40°N and the tropics of Capricorn in mountainous areas only.
These “Vavilov centers” (in fact: agricultural areas of original crop evolution and –diversity) are by far more complex socio-ecologic systems keeping crop evolution running. Why they are providing “open source food?”:
In some Vavilov centers the Neolithic Revolution never ended – and traditional people know how to manage it (crop management systems).
The increase of crop diversity depends on cooperative forms of working including seed interchange and special-purpose varieties. People are not aware about genetics, they think their “superior authorities” (Gods, spirits etc.) are rewarding them.
These cultures are therefore like a gigantic cooperative of “Bio-Linux-developers”.-
The perils to Biolinux are therefore:
Abiotic perils:
(i) Homogenization of microclimatic heterogeneity in complex terrains (Mountains) by global warming.
(ii) “March of the Biomes”due to global warming, the Biolinux areas must be made replicable
Fig.3. Standard portray of Biomes
Biotic perils:
(iii) Genetic Manipulated Organisms without their own gene-pool (a GMO is safe, when 1000 varieties of the GMO are bred that can procreate themselves among each other – and these are skyrocketing costs): genetic pollution
(iv) Biopiracy, that means that genetic resources are “patented”.
Proposed solutions
(v) Globally Integrated Village Environments according to South American design principles for do-it-yourself technology with remote assistance as a part for an integrated strategy of response agriculture: This needs intercultural communication and connectability via online systems.
(vi) Ethnonics: How the microclimatic heterogeneity was used / improved/ mimicked by e.g. indigenous technology of terraced fields