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The Greenways are :
-urban farm corridors, -quality streets, -living machine water purification streams and wetlands, -orchard paths, -greenhouse paths, -swales, -farm paths, -streets as in Les Enfants du Paradise, -people places, -commons - the village green - land set aside for a refuge a place of communal responsibility and joy. The tree of life maypole place-game streets, -streets as art surfaces, -streets as temples and meditation spaces ,-street theatre, -tree top streets, -theme park streets, magic mountain ride streets, -fantasy ways, -virtual reality experience streets, lovers lanes, -water streets, -canals. The Greenways are both manmade and natural living machines, a place to clean up both our spiritual self and waste, water, and air. A manmade "living machine is a device made up of living organisms of all types and usually housed within a casing or structure made of extremely lightweight materials. Like a conventional machine, it is comprised of interrelated parts that function together in the performance of some type of work. Living machines can be designed to produce food or fuels, treat wastes, purify air, regulate climates or even to do all of these simultaneously. They are designed along principles evolved in the natural world in building and regulation its great ecologies of forests, lakes, prairies, and estuaries. Their primary energy source is sunlight. Like the planet, living machines have hydrological and mineral cycles." (From Eco Cities to Living Machines. N. Atlantic Books Berkely 94 John and Nancy Todd). As we walk along the Greenway we sometimes glimpse a home amongst the gardens, then ahead I notice that the Greenway narrows and enters a glasshouse. I continue walking in and find myself in a fertile plant filled environment with people playing, sitting on balconies, feeding fish, riding bikes, swimming in a long lake and rowing in the canal which runs as far as I can see. A group of children are picking fruit with their guide and others are preparing pie shells outside the bakery. They tell me they are using wheat flour which was ground at the windmill that I see in the distance. As I walk up the hill, I open the canal lock gates for a small group of people who seem to be studying hydraulics by towing models from their raft and am surprised by some scuba divers surfacing with plant samples. A moving shadow makes me look up and through the glass roof I see a flock of hang gliders following a pterodactyl model which seems to wake up the realistic computer controlled dinosaur on the island in the lake. Hearing music and seeing an open door - the signal that people are welcome to enter - I enter a garden off the main Greenway path and find hundreds of tubular bells being played by children in John Gibbons Bell Garden. John is sitting on a very large quartz crystal describing harmonic relationships between crystal geometry and music. Returning to the Greenway, a group of formation rollerbladers go by in electronic costumes and above a formation of kites are dancing. Tomorrow is the solstice parade through the village and various groups are preparing performances, I see costumes being made, hear many types of music and smell the cinnamon of the solstice cakes being baked. Leaving the glasshouse I find myself in a very wide green belt - a huge park with deer, sheep and various trees, it seemed to be sort of botanical garden combined with sports. There is windsurfing, and log rolling on the water purification lake. Around a kiva and fire pit they are story telling and making popcorn. During my walk I also see, grass skiing, log rolling, a tug of war, chess games, ice skating, people building a rope bridge and houses, families climbing fake rock walls and in the distance snow boarding and skiing. I rode a motorised skateboard/scooter part of the way and used my TV/computer/phone to call for a driverless electric vehicle to visit the mews industries. The closest one was paged and arrived within a couple of minutes. The Greenways with their orchards, greenhouses and aquaculture are the main food producing element where plant growth for food and raw materials provides a nourishing environment through which to walk. Be as self sufficient as possible in your village, grow your own food, use permaculture principles for plant production, close the cycles, compost to enrich your soil. Use glasshouses and aquaculture where applicable. Integrate biological water purification, fish farms and artificial wetlands as part of the growing systems, both for food and biomass fuel and product. Kenaf and hemp are both important crops that will replace trees for paper making and other products. Leaf concentrate simply made from the leaves of hundreds of different plants is a highly nutritious food made from fresh green leaves. These can include commercially grown crops such as alfafa, pea or bean leaves or a wide variety of "wild" crops such as nettles. LEAFU or leaf curd is highly efficient in terms of energy use and in quantity of protein produced per acre. Dining out also can be a social act making up for the isolation of many homes. Look at it all. All homes are provided with extra spaces and individuals can open part of their house to make community tea rooms, fresh fruit juice gardens, bakeries, restaurants, dining spaces as part of their house and work. | |||