Roman Lahodynsky / Lebens Lauf |
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Roman Lahodynsky, Dr.phil.,
Roman Lahodynsky, PhD? in geology, certificate as radiation protection engineer from Research Centre Seibersdorf during military service.
Studies in geology, paleontology and geophysics at the universities of Vienna and Innsbruck, staff-member of Institute of Geophysics, Technical University of Vienna. Research in the following fields: sedimentology of deep sea deposits, catastrophes in earth history, faults and joints in rock, rock stresses, rock slides. Scientific projects with the Austrian Geological Survey: asteroid impact at the cretaceous/tertiary boundary, geological mapping. Technical projects with private engineering companies: hazard assessments of old municipal waste disposals and finding new suitable sites, exploration for drinking water and establishing safety zones, tunneling. From January 1998 to February 2005 project assistant at the Institute of Risk Research: seismic hazard and risk in connection with nuclear installations (siting & external hazards), problems of final radioactive waste disposals, environmental problems (water & waste) in a EU-China project on sustainable development of rural China (2002-2005). Email:
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