Grundsätzlich: die Beteiligung von Bürgern an Verwaltung und Entscheidungsfindung. Partizipation ist ein aktives Strukturieren eines Beteiligungsraumes durch eine politische Instanz. (Informationswebsite des Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft - inhaltliche Betreuung: ÖGUT)
the urban planning profession as a whole is quickly losing relevance. Unless we rethink the fundamental principles and systems governing urban planning in accordance with this climate of rapid change, it seems inevitable that this vocation will continue its decline into obsolesence. Petaluma, California’s recent termination of its entire planning department points to how dispensable the profession currently is and forecasts a very real potential future for planners across the nation.
it has been strongly argued that urban planning - counter to its noble initial intentions - has played one of the most significant roles in humankind’s single most extensive urbicidal acts.