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Vorbemerkung: ein ziemlich schwaches Dokument dem es mehr um Zeitgeistkonformität ging als um Klarheit - 2008 war es schon auch gleich wieder tot. FN
der "räumliche Laizismus" (These 28) ist ungefähr das genaue Gegenteil von Globalen Dörfern.
1. Because we know that technology, in changing our concept of time and space, has changed the world and made it one 2. Because we know that in the world of knowledge, innovation is the moment in which knowledge and power come together to create custom, values and history 3. Because we know that innovation means opportunity, yet can also constitute a threat 4. Because we know that zero-time and zero-space mean the dominion of mobility over settlement 5. Because we know that mobility means flows, networks and nodes of relationships independent of territory and its confines 6. Because we know that relationships without boundaries change the meaning of place, bringing it closer to the meaning of node, opening up a new relationship between the global and the local, in which the global penetrates all loci through its networks, and each locus folds directly into the global 7. Because we know that this new glocal world will be our world and our destiny
8. That glocalism must not mean stateless conformity, macdonaldalization, imbalances or ecological disaster warum muss man das wohl extra dazusagen?? 9. That to stem these threats new policies and institutions will increasingly be required 10. That new policies and institutions mean new powers 11. That recourse to legitimate force and territorial control will count less and less in a mobility-driven world 12. That we do not need borders, citizenship, sovereignties or subordinate localisms to take advantage of the global while at the same time defending our local spaces 13. That the end of nationalism does not have to mean the end of territorial ethnic cultural identities 14. That in the global village the social movement will be protagonist 15. That new political relationships must inform the management of mobility and territory 16. That the enterprise constitutes the central form of mediation between coexistence and the economy 17. That the enterprise is regulated by global markets 18. That the populations of enterprises within these global markets operate on a global scale through logically interwoven networks of functions 19. That these functions give rise to flows of goods, people and relationships that are relatively free of territorial considerations 20. That traditional national and regional political institutions are increasingly hard pressed in influencing these relationships 21. That only new glocal institutions, i.e. institutions capable of tying together global enterprises and local enterprise populations, are in a position to mediate between the global economy and local forms of coexistence 22. That the crisis national states are currently undergoing in their capacity to regulate is in fact irreversible and that only profound institutional innovation can save us.
23. A new form of statehood in which diverse individuals, ethnicities and nations can coexist on equal terms, where territorial communities and communities of practice can interweave their interests and functions 24. Networks and territories that are organized without nationalist or localist influences 25. A new form of citizenship based on multiple affiliation 26. The consequent ability to feel that we are cosmopolitan, Italics, Europeans, Mediterraneans, Northern Italians, Milanese, Catholics, Moslems, liberals, socialists, technical, humanists, Boca fans, Inter fans, etc., without losing our sense of political identity 27. The ability to cultivate these new affiliations as individuals and as a community 28. A new form of spatial laicism that protects the new mobility, in the knowledge that a life lived fully among a wealth of affiliations in multiple loci is far more authentic and richer than any form of monochord sectarianism 29. The ability to operate freely within the rich and dynamic structure of functional and territorial networks the glocal world is preparing to offer us 30. A new form of cosmopolitan governance, indispensable for protecting the environment, peace, human rights and justice in a glocal world
31. Our current identities and political subjectivisms, in order to attain new structures of representation and governability 32. Our traditional relationship to territory, in order to prepare ourselves for the influx of migrants that mass mobility will bring 33. Our current local and national structures, which we will transform and adapt in order to meet the challenges that the demise of the nationstate and the advent of a glocal world will inexorably pose
34. Of the new thinking, the new parties, the new institutions and political practices that will have to take on the role of leaders and actors in the new glocal history 35. Of the new aggregations that this path will need to subjectify 36. Of the new relationships between settlements and mobility of things, people, and ideas 37. Of rules for coexistence that reconcile efficiency and democracy in the new communities of practice and function on a global and local scale 38. Of the urban reorganization driven by the springing up of glocal cities wherever intersections of functional networks and existing civic aggregations come together in new ways 39. Of the new sub-national political geography that regional aggregations are in the process of creating virtually everywhere 40. Of the related institutions and their new powers 41. Of the new levels of meta-national statehood that are emerging throughout the world, beginning with Europe
Because we are aware: 42. That Europe is the continent that invented the City 43. That European unity will not be reconstructed by arranging its regional and metropolitan realities in forms imposed by the advent of the nation-state 44. That the integration and rebalancing of the stronger and weaker areas of Europe will no longer be solely entrusted to the unifying power of the national states, but rather to the building of new interregional functional networks between areas that are not necessarily contiguous 45. That, where Italy is concerned, its various parts will move within Europe in varied, complex ways, and it will witness the North, Center, South and Islands connect in new ways with the corresponding continental and global realities. 46. That, in these conditions, the glocal city in which we live and call Milania, being none other than a piece of the vaster dimension of Northern Italy and the Po valley, cannot reject its responsibility to connect the entire country with the rest of Europe.
47. In order to better understand, designate, organize, and institutionalize the great metropolitan area in which we live 48. In order to mark out Milania's new if still uncertain identity 49. In order to link this identity with the rest of Italy and Europe in a new way 50. In order to allow new potentially glocal institutions like chambers of commerce, bank foundations, provinces, regions, and agencies to strengthen their connections with those multinational companies, major banks and groups of SMEs already engaged in the glocalist challenge 51. In order to enable the thousands of associations and service organizations animating Milania's local dimensions to learn to interconnect with the progressively denser web of functional networks that cross them on a glocal scale 52. In order to stimulate our centers of cultural life to become more aware of the high rate of innovation that glocalization involves 53. In order to bring efficiency and order to the myriad networks coursing through the glocal city, as well as to the thousands of enterprises that energize it and the forms of mobility that infuse it with life 54. This is work in which we invite all those who share our ideas and aims to participate 55. Because we need a better understanding of the realities in which we operate 56. We must mobilize entire generations to meet the new challenges we clearly envision 57. We must oversee the birth of new subjective realities capable of bringing political life to a new glocal world 58. The Milanese must awaken to the new challenges of the glocal city in which they live 59. Italic peoples the world over must come together in the awareness of an affiliation that transcends yet does not deny affiliations between Italians, or natives of Canton Ticino, Monte Titano or Dalmatian regions; and which unites with that affiliation any persons - be they Canadian, American, Latin American, Australian, or resident alien immigrants in Italy, etc. - who see themselves as Italic for reasons of origin, interest, culture or values. 60. Together we must begin to build the new institutions and new governance the glocal world needs 61. In other words, we need a new glocalist policy And we hereby commit ourselves to work! Piero Bassetti, President of Globus et Locus Milan, 7 January 2008
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