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Hier geht es um Orte die gemeinschaftliches Leben und Ökonomien studieren.
Im Norden Spaniens A space for the interaction and the cooperation between groups of people, networks and movements. Escanda is a space for practicing and experimenting how to live together, without exchange relations and with horizontal structures. The common thread is non-hierarchical, anti-capitalist grassroots movements, with an emphasis on the environment. We are working towards the ecological and egalitarian production of the food and energy we consume. However, this is not a rejection of the modern technology that our collective human knowledge has produced. We enjoy our cinema and sound systems as well as our home produced cider! It is base where people could hold meetings, plan projects, find others to work on specific projects or network with. We form part of the global movement against capitalism and our we promote a process of international training and skill-sharing on issues such as permaculture, renewable energy and social change. We have organized anti-capitalist seminars and conferences, worked together with independent media outlets, participated in civil disobedience and direct actions, produced publications...
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