just a few notes and links
Georg Kindel (Mit Christina Zapella) | |
- met Betty Williams in 2008
City of Peace for Children, first in Italy
Betty Williams: | |
- How it all began "I lived in Belfast, driving home from my mothers house, shots of a rifle, return fire. Driver of IRA car was killed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_Williams_(Nobel_laureate)
- we had worst condition in Europe: "you cannot cure actual violence unless you stop real violence"
- stories about organisation and fundraising
- Gorbachev is on the board of advisors and called her an anarchist
- Dalai Lama is also on that board and is a great teachers
- Basilicata story started in 2003 "Berlusconi and Sarcozy wanted to dump nuclear waste in Basilicata"
- thousands protested, and she decided "to put the Nobel price label on it"
- Erste Familie - Opfer der Preemptive strike
- Children are not recycleable !
- We will not teach our people Religion - but we will bring religious people to them...
- When I brought a buddhist monk the little boy in NI said "a catholic buddhist or a protestan buddhist"
- Second city in course of building in Ghana
- http://www.wccci.org/universal-declaration-of-rights-for-children.php
Alfred Strigl | |
- Major Challenges and possible solutions
- "Turn around from the scientific discourse"
- The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
- What are the real challenges:
-> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Development_Goals
- Index of human development
- Recessions Job Losses
- Collapsing world (Dennis Meadows: we need islands of resilience)
- Soil degradation
- Deforestation
- Overfishing
- Debt Crisis
Formula for change:
- What hurts = Harm H
- Visions wher to go V
- Successful Examples S
- Community as an overall Potency C
- Sustainabilty models
- NZ Government ridicules the Mickey Mouse Model of Sustainability with Economy as the main driver
Helga Kromp Kolb | |
- I know what our models tell us what could happen.
- story of climate change
- at the end of WWII we started emmitting C02 in huge amounts
- CO2 _> Temparature
japanese Model
IPCC Report 2001 and 2007
Dangerous Risks of global temperature rise start at 1 to 1.5%
Tipping Points (Schellnhuber)
- We cannot change natures laws, but we can change economic laws
- Pareto principle 20/80 ... WE are the ones that cause 50% of the emissions
- there is ways to reduce C02 needs and cut emissions
- "the cheap solutions are expensive dead end roads"
- Acidifiucation Of Oceans etc....
Wolfgang Pekny | |
Nice calculation with Footprint (1g beef equals 45 days of PC time)
"The good thing is we have enough, the only things that is missing is fantasy"
Workshop "design your good life with a fair footprint"
zwischenbemerkung Valentina Aveano - Dearborn | |
Gerry Brown | |
Technologieentwicklung in Kalifornien
- Technology tells you what you can do
- Economics tells you what you should do
- Politics what you will do
Gerhard Knies | |
Desertec Inventor
Abschreckendes Beispiel in Wiener Hotel: "Help us to save the planet - do not open the window"
We need to think about a global solution: "How can 10 billion people live sustainably on Earth?"
- Integrated global Solution
- Renewable Sources for clean energy solutions are abundant
- 90% of the world population may receive energies from Desert
- We need to win BIG Indiutry (DII Desertec Industrial Initiative 50 companies)
- Academic Initiative (Desertec University Network -- 80 universities)
http://www.desertec.org/?id=203 -> will launch Knowledge Platform
Statistiken :
- We are driving down carrying capacity by overuse (currently 3 billion)
- We can bring up the carrying capacity to 10 billions
We do not live on Earth alone - we live in a combined system of Earth and Sun
Size - 1/4 of the car industry
Why desert? Solar Power also at night and in Winter
Andasol Spain Molten salt heat storage tanks allow for 18 hours of operation.
Asian offspring http://www.grenatec.com/
Big Oil will spoil it ___ fracking
Big Oils prepares for flooding human living space - Big Oil decides the future of mankind.
Emmerich Seidelberger | |
Nuclear Risk
Ute Stoltenberg | |
Leuphana Universität Instituts für integrative Studien (infis) http://www.leuphana.de/ute-stoltenberg.html
praktisches Projekt "Leuchtpol" - in der KITA beginnts
- Schooling for Sustainability
- Education for the Future needs the best possibile knowledge .....
(at this point I had to leave the event)