Gründungsversammlung der Global Telecentre Alliance am 24.5.2008
Rohe Mitschrift, kein offizielles Protokoll
EUTA and TAP (Telehouses of the Americas Partnerships) establish the Global Telecentre Alliance today. Therefore chaired by Matyas Gaspar and Klaus Stoll
Matyas Gaspar: Greeting the participants. The international telehouse movement is 23 years old, fist telehouse established in Sweden 1985. A second wave emerged in the late 90s. In the midnineties retirerd members of the ITU established the Interneational Association of Teleservice Centers (CTSC). They were targeting the same goas as we are today, but at the time coheasion was too weak.
Goals of the telehouse alliance.
the older generation transfers knowledge to the younger ones
transfering knowledge
synchronize projects and programs
Lithuanian participants raised the issues of language barriers. GTA must hear these weak voices and amplify them, figute out solutions or provide global projects towards these solutions.
Motto: GTA for collective thinking and project generating!!
Suggestion to establish a "veteran board": "International Telecentre Innovation Council"
Head of the council: Michael Gurstein (who was the father of this idea)
Membership of this council should be at all time extended on consensus.
Present Members of the Veterans Club:
Roger Harris,Michael Gurstein,
Klaus Stoll: I am now working with telehouses for 20 years, its kind of shameful to be called a veteran. Many of us are free of our Organizations and Boundaries and we are free to do and say what we really think and want. So "Veterans Council" is meant for INNOVATION!
EUTA in a unique position. has 10 members, operating for years. Supported by governments. EUTA can spearhead development, but that also needs structural adaption adaption.
GTA = Membership organisation (existing orgs & people plus those invited in) under the (initial) leadership of EUTA. EUTA needs reform.
Growth of TC in Numbers (especially in Africa, Asia)