Franz Nahrada / Global Villages Book |
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This book takes a double stand:
The very existence and possibility of „Global Villages“ is their access to electronic networking. Global knowledge cooperation and – to some extent - targeted transfers of resources should build up a new integration of human settlement and way of life with the respective potentials of the cultured landscapes around them, according to their respective character. Such approaches to „in situ urbanisation“ worldwide are the answer to the obsolete world of megacities. The term "Global Villages" is chosen for the abstract model of this way of settling and living, even though the book covers all aspects of „cosmo-local“ development and brings together seemingly unrelated perspectives.
So here is the initial plan Introduction: A short history of development with many milestones (giving an account of the personal journey of the author )
1. the secret of successful revolutions - using Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" as an example. What would Adam Smith write today to achieve the next stage of our social development? Whom would he address?
Synopsis to be written 2. the end of the industrial system: the rise and fall of growth-oriented economics. Why state based socialism never was and could never be an alternative to capitalism.
Synopsis to be written 3. regenerative automation as the antithesis of industrialisation and the basis of unleashed abundance that outstrips the wealth of value and commodity based societies.
Synopsis to be written
a) new technologies supportimg circular ecomies, synergetic effects 4. post - anthropocene or the Fourth Nature: a new understanding of nature as the basis of a re-approximation of man and the biosphere. Critique of "rewilding" ideologies. Examples of the new entanglement.
Synopsis to be written 5. the transformations of the urban. From the „vacuum cleaner and bunker city“ to the mother city. Of urban qualities in rural areas and the challenge of the UN and EU 2021 U-turn to in-situ urbanisation. Gestalt of entangled urban.
Synopsis to be written 6. A pattern language of global villages: how our future living space can be sensibly designed. According to the need for constant interplay of patterns.
Synopsis to be written 7. planetary cultural universals and the diversity of local cultural spaces; the new syntheses of nomadism and sedentarism.
Synopsis to be written 8. the digital gift of God: how we can transform and make sense of the legacy of the cybernetic revolution.
Synopsis to be written 9. what do we do with the „marsh blossoms“ of the Anthropocene - space travel, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering? What is useful, what is dangerous ?
Synopsis to be written 10. gaia in colours: a vision of the world in 100 years and how we got there step by step. A worldbuilding effort based on grounded assumptions
Synopsis to be written
11. the story of the DorfUni or: everything begins with training our imagination 12. centres of vitality or: how the progressive province comes to life 13. transition towns or: how we learn to say goodbye to the megamachine and learn collective self-determination, 14. open source, or: how we learn to share knowledge and construct the world together. 15. prosumer industries, or: how Adam Smith would convince some capitalists today to turn away from growth and thus divide the ruling class. 16. regenerative villages, or: how we discovered that our best technology has biomorphic qualities. 17. the transformation of universities or: how we left the ivory tower. (and even reinvented the monastery instead).
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