In applying the principle of Equal Opportunities within Community policies, a distinction is made between two fundamental aspects:
promoting equality between women and men (inequality for reasons of gender beeing seen as a general factor affecting the whole population)
eliminating inequalities resulting from various other factors (physical or mental disabilites; racial, cultural, ethnic or religious discrimination, socio-economic disadvantage etc.).
Although Grundtvig targets all adult learners in the broadest sense, special attention will be given to activities relating to:
persons lacking basic education and qualifications;
persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas, or who are disadvantaged for socio-economic reasons;
persons with special educational needs;
persons belonging to other hard to reach groups who do not generally tend to take part in adult education or lifelong learning initiatives.
Under all Actions, the amounts usually awarded may be increased in the case of:
participation of persons/institutions disadvantaged for geographical or socio-economical reasons;
participation of disabled persons, and particularly those in need of special support during project activities or when travelling and staying abroad.
(Socrates Programme Guidelines for Applicants, June 2004 Edition, p. 21)