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Just for comparison: this was the application for the G1 learning partnership ERDE
This joint venture intends to develop concerted contents and methods to built up supporting ICT structures in rural areas. The aim of the project is to learn about examples of best practise of regional development and educational cooperation in different countries, as well as to support their distribution. We expect from every participating country to present relevant projects which will, hopefully, lead to innovative jointly developed training facilities for adults in rural areas. Our main emphasis is on the connection between educational and social processes initiated by ICT.
The participating institutions are very heterogeneous. They cover various working sectors:
Austria: The Bildungs- und Heimatwerk Niederösterreich (BHW), founded 1946, organises several study-courses for adults in rural areas (e.g. computer courses, language courses?.). The BHW represents as a contractor of this project a total of 8 organisations , who are working together within the project ?NÖ ans Netz?. GIVE Research Association - Laboratory for Global Villages is a Vienna based non-profit research association under Austrian law, which has devoted its activities to the optimisation of the impact of ICT`s on rural areas and small towns. It has organised several international symposia on this topic and maintains extensive global cooperation links with researchers on the subjects "village futures", "places of access and learning" and "cooperative networks". Germany: The town Coburg in Franken has a very rich cultural heritage which is preserved with great emphasis. There are a lot of experience in cultural networking and the apply of ICT. The next project will be to set up a historical museum of the town. City & Bits <Berlin> is a technological oriented consultant company which has large experience in ICT application to activate modernisation processes of administrations in towns and regions (e-government, e-governance) Poland: PLEASE CHECK AND CORRECT - COMPLETE... The Malechowo Gymnasium is a public school which has organised some projects together with the cummunity of Malechowo and local actors: - tele house and some innovative projects in the village - the school as the local development center Hungary: PLEASE CHECK AND CORRECT - - COMPLETE... The Hungarian Telecottage Association based in Budapest manage and organises approx. 500 free financed telehouses all over Hungary. Slowenia: PLEASE CHECK AND CORRECT (we might have to SHORTEN this for the proposal) Institute for Symbolic Analysis and Development of Information Technology (IPAK) Velenje Slovenia Type of institution NPO and NGO research institute. Size of institution Personnel 6 (absolute), 10 (FTE) Learners 3 (absolute ) 1 (FTE) Expertise Research in education (n-learning, use of ICT in education, new way of teaching and learning, dynamic learning model) ICT for economic development in transitional countries, web services, implementation of research results in pilot courses. XML, SVG Technologies, web design and production, ODL. Experience in cooperation at local, national and trans-national level Leonardo E-know-net participant responsible for ODL analysis and Web Design Minerva Distance Learning Course in Science and Engineering Using Case Studies Online co-ordinator, preparation of case studies, collaboration with industry and preparation of educational materials in digital form (finished) Teleworking, Home-based Business and Development of New Jobs national project, role co-ordinator, research in field of dynamic learning and new job creation. Development of Open Source Educational Portal, national project Development of Young Inventors Network, national project E!2812 -COGGRAPH A Cognitive Intelligent System For Operating Control, Eureka project Great Britain: Mass Mitec is a Community Informatics consultancy, founded 1984 by David Wortley and specialises in the use of ICT for the social and economic development of sustainable communities and networks. For the last 5 years Mass Mitec has pioneered the development of virtual communities, starting with the international project Knowledge Ecology Network (KEN) where over 100 participants from more than 20 countries cooperated. This led to an award from the Department of Trade and Industry for the Harborough Community Commerce and Knowledge Network project (ComKnet?). During the exploration of ICT for social and economic development within ComKnet?, the use of virtual classroom and web conferencing technologies was identified as having significant potential for encouraging lifelong learning in rural economies. This led to Mass Mitec securing funding for a major infrastructure project known as the Harborough Community Learning Network ( Mass Mitec plans to support this project with its international contact network and collaboration and knowledge distribution through the innovative use of virtual classroom technology and learning events Lithuania: Varenos Technologijos ir Verslo Mokykla , founded in 1972, has evolved as a regional vocational school preparing youth and adults of the Varena region for the job market. Popular specialties have changed from tractorist and machinist in the 1970s, to farmers in the 1990s, and now chefs, barmen, construction workers, and technicians. The school has 35 teachers and 300 students, and is a center for the development of the folk arts, traditional crafts, and culinary arts of the Dzukija region. It serves as a base for the Minciu Sodas worldwide network of independent thinkers.
Facilitating the meetings of the focus group, each country organises a workshop to present best practise projects and also its speciaal theme to the whole consortium. In addition to the partners, other multipliers from the hosting country are invited to create an intensive exchange of experiences and enable the building of a wider network. At the end there will be an evaluation of the participants. An interactive website wil be build where thematic and regional impulses con be exchanged and more multipliers can be reached. Activities and schedule for the year August 2004 - July 2005: PLEASE FILL IN 1st workshop: September 2003 in Poland
(we might have to SHORTEN this for the proposal)
1) Extending our own competencies and tasks, realising different solutions, getting new ideas, becoming experienced in transnational cooperation, learning to transmit new experiences 2) Becoming more well-known even in foreign countries, extending the own image, improving the own offers, increasing core competences, becoming open minded, building up a network of competences
3) getting fresh impulses; fostering networking; improving the social climate; raising the interest in education; stopping the rural exodus; implementing precise educational measures; fostering the acceptance of the EU`s enlargement in regions, which share borders directly with new members
The realization of: o Interactive website o Curriculum for the regional information coach o Grundtvig 1 proposal
1) between the participating organisations:
The project is designed for people working in the field of adult`s education, and for those supporting local processes. Within this project we wish to create specific educational offers in various thematic fields.
By the active incorporation of all participants during the whole process (planning and participating in workshops and excursions, as well as creating the website).
We intend to design a questionnaire jointly before the first workshop.
As this project is seen as an informal learning processes, certificates of knowledge and skilles are not important, but the question of certificates might become important as soon as we develop new traning courses. One main aim is the work on a Grundtvig 1 proposal.
Coordinator: (BHW, Austria) - contributes the experience of networking groups (austrian workshop) - is responsible for the flow of information between all partners - takes care of the evaluation about the increased knowledge - makes sure that all partners will keep to the schedule - integrates all participants into the process partners: - contribute their expertise - organise a workshop in their country in order to exchange experiences - participate actively in the exchange of information (website, email etc.)
- ensuring the understanding (languages will be German and English) - building transnational, thematical working groups (connecting thematical multipliers of each country) - interactive website - personal exchange of experience at the workshops
Communication within the project will be mainly ensured via internet and email. ICT`s and their application in rural areas are the core part of this partnership which focusses on extensive spread of knowledge supported by ICT (wireless LAN etc.) Additionally, we want to test new efficient forms of electronic communication e.g. weblogs, wikis, open theory etc. too.
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